观点类大作文,犯罪类话题 Some people think that people who destroy public property should be punished by community services instead of other punishments such as paying a fine and going to prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 题目来源:2021年10月14日大陆雅思大作文
利弊类大作文,广告类话题 People are surrounded by many kinds of advertisement which can influence their life. Does the positive effect of this trend outweigh the negative effects? 题目来源:2015年12月5日大陆雅思大作文
报告类大作文,环保类话题 The animal species are becoming extinct as a result of human activities on land and sea. What are the possible reasons and what solutions can be used to solve this problem? 题目来源:2021年9月11日亚太雅思大作文
对于小白来说,托福听力是比较难得一部分,我们怎么能快速了解托福听力考试呢?一起来看看今天给大家整理的相关内容吧。 在托福的备考过程中,听力的练习也不仅仅只是为了托福听力考试。在托福考试中,口语、写作等等环节都是会涉及到听力的环节。而也就是为什么
托福考试对词汇量要求之大众所周知,但是很多同学并不知道每个科目对词汇量的要求不一样,从而忽略托福听力词汇。 盲目抓起托福词汇书来背,后来发现虽然花了很多时间精力,但背诵效果非常不好。出现这种情况的主要原因是没有根据自己的英语基础选择合适的词汇
观点类大作文,科技类话题 Many people think modern communication technology is having some negative effects on social relationships. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 题目来源:2017年2月16日大陆雅思大作文
不管在生活中还是工作中,我们总是需要用到感谢、谢谢这些词,而英语中除了thank you这个词以外,还有哪些词,可以来表达感谢呢?一起来看下。 一、一般的感谢 1、thank 谢谢 用法为 thank someone for something,人可以省略,不过要注意,若 thank 后面要加事情,中间的for不可省