
来源:朗阁教育 作者:小木 浏览: 更新时间:2021-07-19 16:25

Some people think that it is a waste of time for students to study literature. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 文学很难看到立竿见影的效果,想要学习文学意味着学生需要花大量时间阅读各类著作(包括散文、诗歌等等),以及学习如何写作,但是不像理工科你可以通过标准测试来检验学习成果,文学功底是很难检验的。
2. 文学在现实中的实用性看上去很低,在这个时代大多数人或者家长是非常功利的。我们小时候不好好学习的时候,经常会听到爸妈唠叨:你读书不好,就上不了好学校,就找不到好工作。所以在很多人观念里,读书是为了找到好工作,那从这个目的来看,文学的作用远远不如商科或者理工科。毕竟真正能成为作家、文学家甚至写出好的作品的人,少之又少(可能还不怎么赚钱)。
1. 语言作为人与人之间沟通的基本元素,学习文学能够让学生真正掌握如何用清晰、有逻辑的言语来表达自己的想法,甚至构建自己的思维体系。(题外话,其实很多同学写作拿不了好的分数,不是英语不好,而是语文不好,所以,好好学习语文、多读一些文学作品是很有帮助的!)
2. 文学包含了人类历史发展以来所有精华,包括语言和思想,学生通过文学可以去探索其中奥秘,可以去感同身受过去人们的心路历程,甚至可以开拓对于这个世界的想象力。
3. 文学是众多文化产品的基础,你如果想从事媒体、动画、影视、歌剧、艺术等等行业,对于文学的学习都必不可少的。而反过来对于大众来说,想要真正能够看懂或欣赏某部作品,也是需要文学功底的。
It might be understandable for some to consider student’s time spent learning literature as a kind of waste, but I would argue that this is due to the different perspectives of seeing the problem and it is totally worth it to study literature in one’s schooling period.
Some may hold that students spending time studying literature is a waste since this learning process may not produce any immediate benefits, and it is extremely unlikely to capture the essential truth of literature through a conventional educating system. As for them, all the things that are not practical in the short-term are deemed waste. Indeed, just like subjects related to science or economics, devoting oneself to literature also takes a great deal of time, patience and life experience. The enormous time spent understanding the difference between prose and poem, reading a large number of novels or fictions, or accumulating lexical and grammatical usages in every type of writing would be totally worth it if students finally created, say, fabulous articles or at least pieces of poetry. The reality is, however, that seldom do they become good writers because what they can learn from a typical writing class is just the sentences or expressions originating from other novelists, fictionist or poets, but creativity is ultimately what determines good writings, and this ability couldn’t be directly acquired through any writing classes without the experience of seeing the world through one’s own eyes. What is even worse is that literature becomes less and less valuable especially in the modern world where people have so many choices in terms of cultural products like, say, movies or tv shows rather than appreciating the pure words and sentences; this also makes learning literature a fruitless job.
The scenario listed above is just what those holding short-term thinking can imagine, which deprives us of the chance of seeing the core of the problem that lies behind, and that is the essence of education. Schooling is never about what provides us with the immediate return, but the systematic knowledge carrier that can broaden our mind, in which liberal arts, sciences, or humanities coordinate together, building our insights and reflections, and bridging our rationality and personality. Studying literature is also not the vocational training with the purpose of nurturing potential writers in the future, if at all, but the process during which students can feel the natural beauty of their language, and how languages have built up the entire aesthetic and logic system of the human being. In that case, literature definitely deserves its place to be learnt by most students, who have the potentials to become wiser, and are still curious about the world; it is just this subject that can lead them to see how linguistic data is sophisticatedly used to concretize the human’s imagination with such simple and abstract symbols. As the one with thousands of years’ history, recording almost all the activity of the human species, and the one that sets the wheel of all the other cultural products – movies, animations, etc.- in motion, how can we just say that the study of this “marvellous invention” is a waste of time? The simple-minded people holding this view may somewhat preclude us from being deep-minded, being profound and from gaining the ability to become stronger.
In conclusion, I certainly don’t believe that learning literature is a waste of time, since this subject is with great significance and generates more than just short-term benefits to students.