
来源:朗阁教育 作者:小木 浏览: 更新时间:2021-07-22 16:49

Some people think it is good for a country's culture to import better films and shows from other countries while others believe that it is better to make their own films and shows. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
甲方:good for a country's culture,better films and shows, 其中good for, better都是很抽象的意思,它没有一个客观的定义,而是取决于很多不同的因素互相影响后的结果,比如个人对同一个问题的不同视角;
乙方:better to make their own films,这个better同样也是笼统的表达,没有考虑到不同的人情况,对不同的群体可能结果截然想法;
Some people claim that to import better films and shows benefits local culture, while others consider it better to produce movies locally. Personally speaking, neither of the two opinions is precise enough to be meaningful if we do not clarify the equivocal expressions.
On the one hand, it doesn’t make sense to claim that better foreign movies benefit local culture. The problem with the utterance is the ambiguous descriptors of ‘good’ and ‘better’. Firstly, whether imported motion pictures can be considered ‘good to local culture’ should be domain specific and context dependent; in other words, it depends on what local context and stakeholders value more. One convincing example can be seen in imported action movies, which could be attractive and fascinating to young minds but totally repulsive to senior audience. To complicate matter even more is the so-called ‘better films’, which is also an umbrella term that ends up meaningless without clarifying indicators for measuring, whether these be ratings of audiences, comments of professional critics, performances of actors or special effects.  
By the same token, it is also a generalized rhetoric to label it better for local producers to make their own movies without scrutinizing the effects in a holistic way; it may involves financial return, the competency of local industry. Some might argue that the localization of movie industry generates more job opportunities, from film production per se to peripheral sectors such as cinemas, movie subject toy and game production; nevertheless, it may not be the case when it comes to the artistic value, which hinges on the maturity of industry, the quality and experience of practitioners. Unfortunately, this is where many developing countries are lacking.
It is my conclusion therefore, neither opinion is precise enough to illustrates the entire picture: the comparison between imported and local movies and their relationships with local society should be contextualized.