朗欧雅思考题回忆(附范文)& 近期口语写作预测

来源:朗阁教育 作者:小木 浏览: 更新时间:2021-07-23 16:28

09-12 特殊类 – 科技和艺术话题
Today, advanced science and technology have made great changes to people's life, but artists are still valued high, such as musicians, painters and writers. What can the arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?
首先来看题目的问法:What can the arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?——哪些事情是艺术能做到,而科技做不到的?
审题的头一件事是确定题目的话题范围,关键词tell us about life中的life是一个很抽象的概念,colins字典有一项解释是the things that people do and experience that are characteristic of a particular place, group, or activity. 也就是说生活中的一切都可以是life的相关内容。第二个关键词是technology cannot —— 这是对应于艺术而言的,我们可以这样的来解读——我们生活中有科技无法解决的问题,需要有艺术来解决。
根据以上分析,这道题目可以拆解成2个点,一是科技时代还有什么问题,二是解决这些问题的办法只能是艺术而不是科技;根据这两点,我们可以借用雅思常见题型中的causes and solutions的写法——即主体段-1 分析问题,主体段-2分析艺术如何解决;而在分析问题的是后我可以把问题的原因归咎为科技发展(这也就回应了题目中technology cannot这个概念)
In this seemingly age of scientists, artists still hold a special place in the mind of the populace. While various hypotheses have been put forward to explain the phenomenon, I tend to explore the superiority of arts over technology from emotional and cultural perspectives.
Before expounding on the power of arts, let’s recognize a fact that some conundrums exhausting modern people may stem from people’s frenzy over scientific revolution. One frequently mentioned problem is the trend towards autism and dehumanization among younger generations, a symptom of troubles to which I see youngsters’ overindulgence in virtual community as the answer. To complicate matters even more, the pervasive technology faddism also give rise to the fade away of the traditional identity, given the fact that fewer children today bother to write and paint by hands in the world dominated by digital technology.
Fortunately, while arts are still valued in our lives, the aforementioned concomitants of technological society can be mitigated. Compared to computers and the Internet that alienate young minds from real community, music acts as an effective cohesive that bridges the emotional gaps between lonely ramblers in virtual world. One convincing example can be seen in music festivals, where thousands of youngsters gather to share their feelings and passion for their loved musicians. The same is true to visual arts (paintings, sculptures, etc.) – it is with the beauty on canvas or marble that evokes the younger generations’ fascination with traditional culture, history, or ethos of a nation; the unique charm cannot be perceived via watching digital replicas on computer screen.
It is my conclusion therefore, the truth about the connection between arts and public life is more nuanced than technology can supply to people.
Frenzy  狂热
Autism  孤独症
Dehumanization  人性淡漠
Overindulgence  过度沉浸
Virtual community   虚拟世界
Faddism  赶时髦
Concomitant  同时发生的事
Alienate  使背离
Cohesive  粘合剂
Festival  节日
Fascination  着迷
Ethos  民族精神