Part2 新题汇总
Describe a time you planted a flower or a tree
Describe a time you were scared by an animal
Describe a time when you did not enjoy the music in an event.
Describe a time you first communicated with others in a foreign language
Describe an activity that you attend occasionally but a little expensive
Describe a time that you won an award or prize
Describe an occasion that you forgot an important thing
Describe a time when you saw a child behaved badly in public places
Describe a time when you changed an important decision you made
Describe a good decision you made recently
Describe a time when a friend told you something you are not interested in
Describe a person you know who is intelligent
Describe a person who likes to help others
Describe a person who is openly
Describe a person who is full of energy
Describe a family you like
Describe an old friend you got into contact again
Describe an area of science you are interested in (e.g. biology, physics, chemistry, etc.)
Describe a skill that you learned when you were a child
Describe a sentence or a few words from a poem or a song in your memory
Describe a tradition in your country
Describe a photograph you like
Describe an ambition you prepare for a long time
Describe a piece of good news you received
Describe a movie that made you laugh.
Describe a book you read that you found useful
Describe a public place you have spent the most time in
Describe a place you visited before
Describe a country you would like to work for a short time
Part 1:
综合看下来,本季度part1难度不大。除了recycling 需要大家对于环保知识相关的词汇有所了解外,其他都属于中等难度。在这边要特意提一下关于词汇的同义替换,比如题目问recycle, 不要呆呆地从头到尾只用recycle这一个词汇。可以换成reuse。也要注意词汇的细化,不要傻傻说things,可以换成paper, plastic bags, empty bottles等。不要被抽象题目吓到,生活化细节永远是你的利器。
这个季度的新题比较多,目前收集到的数量是30题左右,对于9月备考的同学们压力还是不小的。这种时候就要灵活啦,比如被动物吓到的经历可以和上季度的有趣的动物串,喜欢的照片可以和艺术展串,忘记某事可以和失约的经历串…… 能少准备点儿就少准备点儿,时间是金钱嘛。
此外,这个季度有一个新题“种树养花的经历”还是有一定难度的,大家要注意细节的表述。比如浇花是water flowers, 植物沐浴阳光是soak up the sunshine,花朵枯萎是wither, 叶子被害虫咬了可以说To my surprise, I saw some holes in the leaves, probably they had been eaten by insects. It’s really horrible coz I was afraid that it will die soon…