Get 这些,朗欧让您再也不怕雅思写作地图题~

来源:朗阁英语 作者:小木 浏览: 更新时间:2021-08-20 15:04

雅思小作文有六大类,分别是柱图,表格,线图,饼图,地图,流程。 其中,前四种是数据图,后两种非数据图。很多考生在备考的时候往往数据图准备的多,有时候没有练到表格,写作柱图,就会发现很多内容和表达上是相通的,在考场上即使遇到没写过的题目,只要是数据图也不至于特别慌张。但是地图题是完全不同于上述的,一般考试时大家会看到两幅图,很多时候密密麻麻全是东西,看一眼就要窒息的感觉。8月24日的雅思写作地图题直接把雅思作文送到了微博热搜榜前20 ,大家对于地图题的恐惧炸锅了,今天朗欧教育石家庄培训中心讲师帮助你get这些小技巧,下次遇见地图题神清气爽。
1 方位问题
在看到地图题的时候大家注意下如果右上角有个指南针一样的图标,四周分别是E W N S ,这时候大家一定是按照东南西北的方位写,尽量不要出现左右,更没有上下。
之前有些同学写 there is library under the lake ,with a bank on it . 考官看到估计要懵了,湖底的图书馆,湖面上的银行,真的是太酷了。
比如剑13 test 4 小作文,我们明显看到右侧有个方位图标,这时候就一定正确地使用各种方位的表述。
A在B的东西南北方(内部):A is in the eastern/southern/western/northern part of B.
A在B的东西南北角落:A is at/in the eastern/southern/western/northern corner of B.
A和B很近:A is near /next to /close to B.
A在B的对面:A is opposite / on the opposite side of B
2 时态问题
时态是地图题比较容易出问题的地方了,因为地图考题往往会给两幅时间不一样的图来让大家写,比如上图中两幅都是过去时间,我们都用过去时就可以了,但是有时候两幅图一副过去,一副现在或者一副现在,一副将来。 这些时候我们就要小心,比如下图,在描述头一张图时用过去时,在描述第二张图时用将来时。
3 使用从句,with结构和非谓语增加语法多样性。
大家在描述一幅图东西南北各自有有没有一种感觉,清一色的there be 句型。 There is a garden in the north . there is a library …….. 这就不符合我们评分标准里面的语法多样性了。 那么如何应对呢? 我们可以可以使用这些结构,给大家一个范本:
A golf course and park is located in the west of this city, with a river to the south, crossing Branfield from the south-western corner to the north. To the east of the golf course and park is a railway, linking he north-western corner and the south-eastern corner of this city. Situated in the north of Brandfield, a housing estate covers an area between the river and the railway. There is a city center in the middle of this city, located to the south of the railway and divided by the river. It is noticeable that a road is sited between the golf course and park in the west and the city center in the middle, and it goes across the south-eastern corner of the housing estate, connecting the north-eastern corner of this city to the south of the city center and to the south of this city. S1 is located to the north of the city center and the railway, between the road and the river.
4 结构问题
对于地图,我们一般推荐三段式,一幅图描述一段,加上开头或者结尾就可以了。 头一幅图我们主要描述东西南北各自有什么,参考上面段落。第二幅图描述在头一张图的基础上发生了什么变化。
下图是剑14 test 4 的地图题
从图中我们可以看出,时态是一副过去,一副现在时。一副描述方位,一副描述变化。 我们来直接看一下考官给出的范文吧,参见剑14 P134 
This  model has been prepared by an examiner as an example of a very good answer .
Grange Park was opened in 1920 , a rectangular area with access from Arnold Avenue on the north side and from Eldon Street on the south side . There was a fountain in the center , with a stage for musicians situated center left , a glasshouse to the right of the Eldon Street entrance and a pond for water plants in the north east corner opposite . Around the edges of the park there were rose gardens , with seats nearby for people to smell the flowers and listen to music .
The park has altered considerably since then . Now there is one large-ish rose garden , occupying the central area where the fountain stood ,and with seats all around it . One of the smaller rose gardens remains on the north side of the park . The bandstand ( stage for musicians) has also been replaced , by an amphitheater for concerts and associated seating . The glasshouse has gone and in its places is a water feature ; similarly ,where the pond for water plants stood there is now a children’s play area with a café nearby . Access to the park is still via the two original entrances , but there is now a third entrance near the water feature from an underground car park .
Despite the apparently significant changes , the park retains the basic elements of flowers , water ,seating and music ,with the addition of a café and a children’s play area .