
来源:朗阁教育 作者:小木 浏览: 更新时间:2021-07-30 15:41

Many young people today spend much of their free time in shopping malls. Some people think it has many negative effects on both young people and the society they live in. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
superficial relaxation: 一般来讲,购物商场集合了很多服装店,影院,游戏厅,饭店等等。这导致年轻人容易沉溺于一些简单快乐却肤浅的娱乐方式,同时,就不太可能去选择一些更有意义的活动(如去博物馆,和家人野餐,发展新的个人爱好如学习乐器等)当作消遣。
consumerism: 在当今社会,很多人都认为消费、买东西是一种工作生活之余的解压方式,认为“买到好东西就是幸福”,很多时候人们买的东西却不是自己需要的,有的人甚至会去选择自己负担能力之外的东西,这无疑导致了一些社会问题如加长时间工作(为了买东西),更少存款,信贷问题甚至引发一些相关的心理问题。
With the rapid global economic increase, more and more shopping malls have emerged in both metropolis and other cities of smaller size. At the same time, young people appear to be one of the most contributing purchasing-power. In this essay, I tend to propose my personal point that such phenomenon is detrimental to both individuals and society at large. The supporting arguments are as follows:
Firstly, for people themselves, shopping malls tend to provide a dominating but relatively superficial relaxation way, overriding other more meaningful, fulfilling or close-to-nature choices. Admittedly, shopping malls nowadays serve as multi-functional places which combine fashion clothes stores, cinemas, supermarkets and so on and do make people’s life more convenient. As one of the trendiest landmarks in the cities, people, especially the young, would normally spend at least three hours inside once they enter a mall to consume time at the weekend. As a consequence, individuals are likely to spend hours watching a meaningless commercial film and taking pictures in an internet-famous restaurant instead of visiting museums, having picnics with families or learning to play a new instrument.
Further and even more importantly, spending overmuch time in shopping malls is likely to exacerbate the prevailing consumerism, which doesn’t seem to impact positively on the society. In a world where people take consuming as the measurement of happiness, the passion for buying goods is becoming stronger and stronger. Accordingly, even window shopping in a mall could inevitably lead to some unnecessary consumption. Even though obsessing fancy and exquisite objects can bring temporary satisfaction, it sometimes culminates in less saving, longer-hour working, more debt and even mental illness. In other words, despite the delight of insensible consumption, its long-term effects on the whole society are generally adverse.
By way of conclusion, youngsters are not supposed to spend the majority of their free time in shopping malls given the negative influences on both personal and social level.