
来源:朗阁教育 作者:小木 浏览: 更新时间:2021-08-08 17:53

The leaders or directors of organizations are often older people. But some people say that young people can also be a leader. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
➡️ To what extent do you agree or disagree, 建议采用倾向型写法部分同意或反对题目立场;本文为单观点议论文,讨论年轻人是否适合当领导者。
➡️ 关键词:young people 年轻人,also 表示并列结构,所以本题很容易出现的误区会将本文写成双观点比较类文章及年龄人和老年人谁更适合当领导者。但是also的存在表示着,我们并不否认很多年龄较大的人在做领导者,但是年轻人同样能适合做领导者。
➡️ but 单观点议论文,题干有两句话,重点为转折后这句。
➡️ 本文立场为同意。
➡️ 让步:有特殊情况,如老年人,或者现代交流工具造成了一些问题
It is common for enterprises to have seniors as top executives nowadays. However, there is an argument that young people should also be offered the opportunities to be the leaders as the age should not be the glass ceiling that bars them from upper management in large corporations. From my perspective, I agree with this idea.
First of all, young leaders,especially those employed in high-technology companies, are easy to keep pace with the rapid changing market. Admittedly, compared with senior employees, they do lack experience of the past, but facing this rapid shifting market, their inadequate experience can be in turn seen as an advantage, as being in the same age of the targeting customers,they can understand the current popular tendency and are less likely to be inhibited by self - consciousness. Therefore, they are able to absorb the latest information and use their lateral thinking to make adaptations to meet the demand,. Besides, young people have more abundant time and vigorous to be leader. Being managers means catering enormous tasks simultaneously, and as most of young people have not been married and formed their family, they can devote themselves to their work and maximise their output, which is impossible for older people.
Undeniably, when facing an emergency or a dilemma,compared with the aged leaders, the young generation tend to be less responsible and considerable, resulting in impulsive decisions due to their immaturity. Consequently, organisations might be at risk.However, young candidates who have the potential to be the manager can be first recruited as the management trainee, and after having the professional training ranging from six months to five years,they are sure to have the capability to deal with diverse situations.
In conclusion, despite the defects of young managers, young people are eligible for leadership.Therefore, organisations should be encouraged to employ the young generation in top positions.