
来源:朗阁教育 作者:小木 浏览: 更新时间:2021-08-12 17:03

ith growing population in cities, more and more people live in homes with small or no outdoor areas. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
➡️ 利弊类文章,同样强调在论证上要体现合理性,即在具体的分析中,明确能体现出一边的论述的确是大于另一边,或是利弊均等,而利弊是否有说服力并不取决于观点的数量,而是内容是否有说服力。
➡️在具体利弊的切入点,可以从题目的关键词中寻找线索,这题的关键词包括growing population in cities, homes with small or no outdoor areas,我们在居住没有室外空间的讨论利弊时,需要结合城市和人口多这两个前提。
It is an increasing trend that the outdoor space in many apartments of metropolitan areas is constantly shrinking. While this phenomenon is frowned upon by some critics, I tend to see this trend from a more positive perspective.  
Indeed, there do exist some reasons as to why it is reckoned as negative to living in units with less open-air area. The most frequently mentioned apprehension is about health of residents: the lack of space for outdoor activities will inevitably exacerbate the sedentary lifestyle of city dwellers, who have long been plagued by diseases like obesity. Taking this point to a further step, to be enclosed in cramped apartments without much exposure to nature has been proven by scientific evidences to be one major culprit of mental problems among urban inhabitants, whether these be the feeling of isolation, anxiety or even depression.
Despite the common recognition of the problems mentioned above, I would argue that the deprivation of outside space of city housing can be considered from a positive angle. Of all reasons why such a less humanized design has been widely applied by more populous cities is its space saving feature. While many residents are complaining about the life in an isolated unit, the very reward they cannot deny is the saving on living cost – it is this design that makes it possible for many working adults to rent a room which they might not otherwise afford. Also, from the perspective of metropolitan plan, such economical condos marry well with the target of many municipal governments: what frustrates them more is how to accommodate the soaring population in cities rather than comforts of the accommodation.   
In conclusion, despite the apprehension of the drawbacks of living without much outside area, I would argue that it is more of an inescapable trend which we should embrace with a more optimistic view.