1. A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school should require students to take? Why?
① 可以提升学生的节约意识(raise the awareness of saving money)。解释:现在很多的高中生都备受家人宠爱(be spoiled),家长总是试图满足他们的需求(satisfy their needs)。因此这些被宠坏的孩子(pampered kids)甚至不知道该如何省钱。理财可以让他们意识到赚钱和理财并非易事。
② 可以增加孩子在未来获得财富上成功的可能性(increase the odds for students to gain financial success)。有理财能力的人更容易获得大量财富(acquire much wealth),理财课恰好能帮助学生为获得这种能力打下坚实的基础(lay a solid foundation for having such ability)。
③ 让步段:另外两个选项也有一定的价值(the other two options are also of certain values)。烹饪课可以培养孩子的独立性,帮助他们健康饮食(allow them to eat more healthily);汽车维修可以锻炼孩子的动手能力(practical ability)。但是这两种课程都有缺点:烹饪课上,孩子会因为用火不当而造成严重的后果(the inappropriate use of fire could cause a severe consequence);另外,现在汽车的质量都很好,很少需要维修,而且去专业维修站自理也很方便。
2. Which one is the most important for teacher of high school?
-the ability to help students plan for their future;
-the ability to find the students who need the most help and to give that help;
-the ability to encourage students to learn on their own outside of the classroom.
解题思路:选择第二个,the ability to find the students who need the most help and give that help
① 绝大多数高中生很难自己找到自身的问题(The vast majority of high school students have trouble finding out their own problems on study.)。因为他们往往还不够心智成熟(due to immature mentality),不能够去主动发现自己的学习上的关键问题和需求(key issues and needs)。即便发现了问题(even if the problems can be found out on their own),因为缺乏经验(lack of experience),也不一定能及时找到方法去解决(timely and effective solutions might not come out easily)。而且高中生往往不好意思去展示自己的薄弱之处(embarrassed to show their weakness),也就不会主动向老师请教(turn to the teachers for help and advice )。所以,老师能够及时发现需要帮助的学生并给与有效帮助是非常必要的。
② 老师主动给有需要的学生提供帮助能够提高学生的学习兴趣和信心(improve students’ learning interest and confidence)。得到老师热心主动的帮助,学生会觉得备受关怀和鼓舞(With the help of the teacher, the students will feel being concern and encouraged), 尤其对于需要帮助的学生,可以从新燃起学习的希望和热情(renewing their hope and enthusiasm on study, especially for those who need most help)。
③ 让步段:诚然,学生对未来需要有一个好的规划,但是对于高中生而言,直接需要考虑的未来就是高考或者说是大学的选择(what they need to consider first about their future is to perform well in the college entrance exam, which determines their choice of college)。这个目标很明确(a clear goal),并且本质(essence)还是要获得好的学习成绩(achieve good scores),那么仍然是需要老师给予帮助。独立学习能力也确实是一个重要的品质,但是这个完全可以在大学四年的学习中得到更好更自由的发展,而对于并不足够成熟的高中生(immature high school students),自己独立学习很容易走弯路(it makes students take a tortuous road to study by themselves),影响学习效率(decreasing study efficiency)。
3. The school has been funding for students to participate in different types of activities, but this year, since the lack of money, the school will fund one activity, which one do you think is the one the school should fund: sports, arts and volunteering.
① 投资体育设施(the investment in sports facilities)能够不仅给学生还给教职工(not only students but faculty)提供使用各种设施的便利(easy access to various activities),这对于处于压力下的(under huge pressure)的学生和老师来说是一个非常方便的放松机会。
② 体育馆的修建可以给学生更好的训练环境,如果学生能够参加相关比赛并取得不错的成绩,都是学校的荣誉,同时学校也有机会去承办一些体育活动(hold sports events),这样对于学校提升自己知名度(increase its popularity),可以吸引到更多投资或好的学生;
③ 所修建的体育设施可以对外开放,服务附近的居民,因此可以作为另一种谋利方式(can be regarded as a way to make extra profit),更可以缓解学习的经济负担(relieve the school's financial burden)。
4. In times of economic crisis, in which field do you think the government can cut financial support?
2.Scientific research
3.Parks and public gardens
① 艺术更多的是使生活丰富多彩(add spice to our lives),(例子可以举音乐,话剧)很难产生直接的巨大的(direct and considerable)的经济效益;然而科学研究(scientific research),可以降低生产成本(lower cost of production),并且提高不同行业的生产力(productivity),从根本上有利于解决经济危机(economic crisis)。所以减少art方面的财政支持意味着有更多投入到与经济直接相关的项目中;
② 艺术相关的东西并不是人们生活中重要(indispensable)的,因此经济危机时期减少艺术上的投资不会给人们的生活带来直接的不便(inconvenience),换句话说,人们并不会因为少看一场艺术展(art exhibition)或少看一场音乐会(concert)而抱怨不止,但是很可能抱怨因为确山公园没有地方进行休闲活动(complain about the lack of parks and gardens because they could go nowhere to easily access leisure activities)。
③ 艺术相关的领域往往不会需要昂贵的大型的(ultra-expensive and large-scale)的专业设备,所以即使减少相关的投入也不会有导致灾难性的后果(cause catastrophic consequences),相反科学研究往往需要专业昂贵的设备(involve professional equipment which may cost millions of RMBs), 缺少的话很多重要研究会受到影响,而公园中往往也要各种各样的运动器材(equip with a diversity of sports facilities),所以在经济危机期间减少艺术项目的投入是合理的(it is reasonable to reduce investment in arts during economic recession)。
5. It is as important for older people to study and learn new things as it for young people.
① 健康好处。Firstly, keep learning is beneficial to the old’s health conditions. The process of learning new things can stimulate the learners’ brain and procrastinate the aging, which is instrumental to the old’s health. 学习新事物有助于刺激老年人的大脑,延缓衰老,促进老年人健康。(举例论证,如老年人参与老年大学,不断学习新事物,精神状态和健康状态都很好)
② 老年人与年轻人的交流改善。Secondly, keeping abreast of the latest things could help narrow the gap between the old and the young(及时了解新情况有助于缩小老年人和年轻人之间的差距).Complaints are always heard from the old that their children are not willing to communicate with them in light of lack of mutual topics, some even have problems about the communication methods of the young(老年人经常抱怨他们的孩子不愿意和他们交流,因为缺乏共同的话题,有些人甚至对年轻人的交流方式有问题). In fact, it is those old people that should follow the trend - learning what the young are utilizing and knowing about the latest news (事实上,正是这些老年人应该跟上潮流,了解年轻人在利用什么,了解新的新闻). 举例论证
③ 生活中的便利。Last but not least, learning new things could bring the old convenience and enhancement in their life quality. Science and technologies are infiltrating into all aspects of our life, such as housework, transportation, payment etc., which is an unstoppable trend and the old must adapt themselves into this milieu (科学技术正在渗透到我们生活的方方面面,如家务、交通、支付等,这是一个不可阻挡的趋势,老年人必须适应这个环境). 举例论证
6. Children can benefit from an important way of taking care of pet animals. Do you agree or disagree?
① 宠物在家里会给予孩子安全感。(They are always loving and their mere presence at home can help provide a sense of security in children.)举例论证:由于父母工作,不能常常陪伴孩子,宠物可以缓解孩子的焦虑。(Having an ever-present pet can help ease separation anxiety in children when parents aren’t around.)
② 宠物会帮助孩子与别人建立良好的关系。(Kids who are emotionally attached to their pet are better able to build relationships with other people.)举例论证:孩子会愿意和他们的朋友分享玩具,对别人会更有爱心,性格会更加开朗。(Children will be willing to share toys with their friends, and be more loving. They also have the cheerful personality.)
③ 宠物会让孩子爱上运动。(Children are in favor of doing exercise.)举例论证:如果家里养了一只宠物狗,孩子会愿意带它们到户外活动,这对孩子和宠物的健康都非常有好处。(Studies have shown that dog owners are far more likely to meet their daily exercise requirements—and exercising every day is great for the animal as well. It will deepen the connection between children, eradicate most behavior problems in dogs, and keep pet fit and healthy.)