
来源:朗阁教育 作者:小木 浏览: 更新时间:2021-08-24 15:59

以TPO16 Lecture4第4题为例:
According to the professor, what are two ways in which stained glass windows made in the sixteenth century differed from those made in earlier centuries? Click on 2 answers.
A. The way the glass was colored.
B. The role played by lead strips.
C. The scenes that were depicted.
D. The way glass pieces were cut.
And the lead strips that was just to hold the whole piece glass together?
引出了出题点,在这里出题点还是相对比较明显的,学生问lead strips的功能是什么,在之前的系列文中提到过一旦听力原文中出现新名词我们需要努力听懂这个词的定义解释和功能作用,因为这往往是出题点或者是理解上下文的关键信息,原文中教授的回答是:
Well, uh, lead strips is strong and flexible so it’s ideal for joining pieces of glass cut in different shapes and sizes. Uh, but up to the 15th century, the lead strips also helped created the design. They were worked into the window as part of the composition. Uh, they were used to outline figures to show boundaries, just like you might use solid line in a pencil drawing.
教授介绍lead strips的特点是非常棒的粘合材料,并且告诉学生在15世纪lead strips是设计的一部分,就好像铅笔画的实心线一样勾勒出形象的边界。
How did they get the color? I mean, how did they color the glass? 
Well, up until the 16th century, stained-glass was colored during the glass making process itself. Uh, you got specific colors by adding metallic compounds to the other glass-making ingredients. So, uh, if you wanted red, you added copper. If you wanted green, you added iron. You just added these compounds to the other ingredients that the glass was made of.
Yes, at least up until the 16th century. Uh, then they started, uh, you started to get painted-glass. Painted-glass windows are still referred to as stained-glass, but the colors were, actually, painted directly onto clear glass after the glass was made. So, um, with this kind of stained-glass, you could, uh, paint a piece of glass with more than one color.
 The way the glass was colored.
And with painted-glass they still used the lead strips?
也就是说16世纪之后一大片玻璃已经可以有很多种不同的颜色了,人们还需要使用lead strips吗?教授的回答是肯定的:
Yes, with really large windows it took more than one piece of glass, so you still needed lead strips to hold the pieces together. But the painters actually tried to hide them, so it was different from before when the lead strips were part of the design and it’s different because with painted-glass the idea of light coming through to create the, uh, magical effect wasn’t the focus anymore. The paint work was, and painted-glass windows became very popular.
因为对于很多非常大的玻璃窗还是需要lead strips来起到粘合作用,但是此时绘画者会刻意的去隐藏他们,因为在这个时期lead strips不再是设计的一部分,人们不再追求光线穿透的魔法效果,而是更注重绘画本身。
这里有一个非常关键的出题信号词,就是学生的提问,因为学生已经是第二次就lead strips提问,其次在教授的回答中教授用了一个转折词but,一个强调词actually,一个表示比较不同点的表达it was different from before。
The role played by lead strips.
How is it possible to determine in which rainy period a lake was formed? Click on 2 answers.
A. By examining the location of the lake bed.
B. By measuring the amount of sand covering the lake bed.
C. By examining the color of the limestone formation.
D. By identifying the types of fossils found in the limestone.
There were actually two periods of rain and lake formation: the first one began about 37,000 years ago; and the second one dates from about 10,000 years ago.
Another difference, very important today for distinguishing between older lake beds and newer ones, is the location of the limestone formations.
这里出题点提示性很强,用到了Another difference,very important,distinguishing等表示差异和强调的词来引起同学们对于信息点的重视,所以这个部分对应题中选项A:
By examining the location of the lake bed.
At older lake sites, there’s fossil remains from hippopotamuses, water buffalo, animals that spend much of their lives standing in water, and also, fossils of cattle. However, at the sites of the more recent lakes, there’s only cattle fossils, additional evidence for geologists that these lakes were probably smaller, shallower, because cattle only use water for drinking. So they survive on much less.
By identifying the types of fossils found in the limestone.