Task 1
Some universities require the students to choose a major field of study when they enter the school; while other universities require the students to learn several fields at first and then choose a major field of study. Which do you prefer? Why or why not?
这是一道很典型的二选一的题目,大家可以明显的看到有which do you prefer这样的提问。那么既然是二选一那么肯定给到了两个选项,让你择其一,让我们看看题干中给的两个选项是什么:
1. choose a major field of study when they enter the school.
2. learn several fields at first and then choose a major field of study.
I prefer to choose a major field of study when they enter the school.
同时建议大家给一个就行,考虑到时间只有45秒的关系,如果你说了很多原因,例如用经典的first,second,last这样的答题结构讲满45秒就会导致你的答案没有细节no details。综上所述,reason给一个,如:
so that I could have sufficient time to study it.
理由讲完了,有长有短都没有关系,接下来才是拿分的关键,就是对于理由进一步的阐述,我们说表述叫有理有据,从而使你的理由更加站的住脚tenable,整个答案的逻辑结构更加健全sound. 所以接下来的30-35秒的时间都要用在一点对于‘据’的表述上。
What I am saying is, when you need to study on a certain field, it takes time. For example, you need to learn some fundamental knowledge at the beginning, then you are required to focus on some major courses which usually would take you two years to finally finish them, at the end, when you are about to graduate, u have to pick a topic on which your dissertation should write. I mean, these tasks all require you lots of time and energy. So, if I get to choose my major in the fist place, then I don’t have to worry about whether I would have enough time for it or not.