Some people think environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, think that those problems cannot be solved unless individuals take some action. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Such are the scenarios in our highly developed daily life: the smog is smearing the sky, and the car horns are blaring all day long, whilst in the places away from humans, animals are dying, and wild fields are being laid waste. Therefore, moralists are coming out to call for possible solutions in dealing with all the environmental problems, but we, the overwhelming individuals, are still confused about what we can actually do for bettering the environment.
The controversy concerning the actual relationship between individuals and the environment may source from how we see the role of ourselves played in the nature. Right now, the Hollywood depiction of how our human is helpless, vulnerable and petty when facing the global environmental disasters has already reflected a thinking held by certain people, and that is that we could barely do anything if the environment deteriorated into an unchangeable, irreversible condition. The worst-case scenario might be akin to that in the movie “the day after tomorrow”, where the whole world had gone through a brand-new Ice Age due to the global warming, during which the entire northern hemisphere had been suffering from natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes, and the mankind had been totally forcibly controlled; should the collapse happen to the protein-based, civilized world, it is obvious how the latter is powerless and how the outcome will be.
The myopic thinking exhibited in the paragraph above, as others would argue, is the rankest of all. This type of thinking doesn’t allow people to make the rational causal relation between human behaviours and the environment that may be affected and robs them of the opportunity to recognize the potential of the accumulated efforts that lies. Individuals are certainly not that useless, and it is just what every common person could do that lays the foundation of the reasoning that follows. Certain actions or personal movements may not seem like much and certainly needn’t to expect a change of the problems. However, sets of related efforts and trials grouped together are what constitute insights into new discoveries, which one day may also be the cornerstone of other even more crucial breakthroughs. Actually, we humans, as the solely naturally inquisitive and rational beings in the world, seem to be the only species that could be relied on to take actions—to reasonably consume the resources, to avoid the over emission of pollutants, etc.—or the potential environmental threats may otherwise increase definitely; the movie-depicting catastrophes happen someday.
In conclusion, I would very much agree that there are certainly reasons out there why individuals are not out of the cluster of the determinants of environmental problems, and we certainly need to start playing a part in preventing the natural disasters right now since it is the only way to make things better.
Smear 涂抹
Horn 汽笛声
Blare 响动
Moralist 卫道士
Depiction 描绘