剑9写作7分范文及解析 | Test1 小学学习外语更好

来源:未知 作者:朗阁教育 浏览: 更新时间:2022-05-25 10:06

内容摘要:利弊类大作文,教育类话题 Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than the secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? 题目来源:剑9Test1大作文
Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than the secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?  
这是一道利弊类大作文,讨论的是让孩子从小学开始学外语的利弊讨论。利弊类文章需要强调在论证上体现合理性,即在具体的分析中,明确能体现出一边的论述的确是大于另一边,或是利弊均等,而利弊是否有说服力并不取决于观点的数量,而是内容是否有说服力。审题时需要注意一点,观点中存在“primary school”和“secondary school”的比较,在论证中需要提及。下面,就和大家来一起看下具体观点。
一是有利于孩子更好地掌握第二外语。一方面人类掌管语言功能的布罗卡氏区(Broca's area)会在12岁左右发育完全,在此之前大脑能更容易接受并掌握一门新的语言,而这个年龄正好是小学升初中的时间点。另一方面学生在小学阶段发声器官还未成熟,更容易学习和练习不同的语言中的音,而当孩子到了初中,发声器官成型后,再去掌握那些母语中不存在的音会有所难度。
Optimistic outcomes and considerable limitations would both be discussed in this article, and reasonable suggestions would be given in promoting the negative influences leaning in the positive direction when facing the policy of earlier nurture of the bilinguals prior to their secondary education. 
On the one hand, a wider range of second language acquisition realised among pupils schooled in their primary studies gives rise to a larger possibility of fostering talented expert in fluently transforming two languages. It is hardly far-fetched to imagine that how this situation would bring the contributions to both the individuals and the whole society. Men with the ability in understanding and translating two languages, especially those dominant in the global arena, would be highly welcomed in today’s employments, since they generate the potential of making profits in a larger number of international trading markets and save enormous costs and manpower during the communication with partners speaking another language. To the society, the huge benefit of this would be to promote more information interchanges in terms of economy and culture. Whereas delaying the second-language education would to a large extent weaken this trend, since students involving this in their juvenile period would be too mature in their mother tongue to swiftly transform their logic in mastering a foreign language and miss the perfect timing acquiring other languages. 
Side effects are also manifest when children get access to the unfamiliar linguistic data prior to their middle school. An abundance of studies and excavations have already proved that intellectual advances may be witnessed during the second-language schooling in one’s early years, since they are practicing frequently and widely in processing the different information in both the source and target textual resources, speeding up the brains in reactions to specific data correlations. Students in this cohort may typically not produce more achievements than do those starting this activity later, but are more likely to become smarter when given a larger quantity of training. 
The only concern of this is the qualification of teachers. Participants occupying the elementary education may generally lack the expertise in giving an orthodox second-language output and educational methodology, which leads to the misguiding or misconception of linguistic knowledge acquired by the next generation in their early years. The disparity may also emerge when students are put together with multiple standards of this acquisition after they go to secondary schools. Nevertheless, related regulations may launch afterwards, in certificating teachers in this area, or introducing certain systems to ensure the overwhelming educational satisfaction. 
To sum up, fostering a sufficient talent database of bilingualism requires the in advance schooling in the primary education, whilst the quality of the staff in handling this should be strictly censored and promoted. 
Optimistic 乐观的
Lean to 倾向于
Nurture 养育、培育
Bilingual 双语的、双语能力
Prior to 在……之前
Second language acquisition 第二语言习得
Far-fetched 牵强的
Juvenile 少年
Mature 成熟
Schooling 学校教育
Textual 文本的
Cohort 同伙、同龄人
Orthodox 普遍接受的、正统的
Methodology 方法论
Misconception 误解
Disparity 差距
Censor 审查、监察