剑6写作范文及解析 | Test4 一成不变vs不断改变

来源:未知 作者:朗阁教育 浏览: 更新时间:2022-02-28 08:44

内容摘要:双边类大作文,社会类话题 Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 题目来源:剑6Test4大作文
Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always a good thing. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
这是一道双边类大作文,讨论的是人们应该一成不变还是不断变化。双边类的题目,需要对每个观点分别表达同意或反对,结论就是自己的立场,可以是中立(双方都同意或都反对),也可以是单边支持某一方立场。审题时要注意双方观点里的“avoiding change”和“is always a good thing”,遇到这个词的情况,我们一般都是反对角度切入会更好写,下面就和大家来看下具体观点。


I shall argue in this article how irrational people establish the disparity of the core topic of life alternation into the both listed extremes, since the life pace should not be maintained without any change, and it is also absurd for people to alter their livings in a constant way. 
Absurdity may be witnessed when people permanently keep their obstinate, immutable life paces isolated from the outside changing world. Clearly, this state of mind may be topped by many to their priority, just because of their lack of sense of security to the technically booming society. Voters in this cohort typically do not mind a bit of modernizations of their livings and a short departure of their established life orbit, but fret that truly overwhelming transformation of their life would lead to them being “swamped” by the brand-new mode and format. This, they fear, would make life unable to keep up with their surroundings, since the constant learning process would be needed for adjusting themselves in the new livings, and perhaps threaten the original values and living conditions. Whereas the potential psychology of hard-wired playing safe may preclude them from doing any attempt to experience the profits and conveniences brought by the innovative techniques and boomingly scientific benefits, or become much worse, until they realise that they are even pushed away from their initial tracks when distant from what they persistently chase for, since those goals have also changed anyway following the world. 
Though the myopic thinking exhibited in the paragraph above may somewhat become the obstacle for people from looking at the world in a well-rounded way, to over-handle one’s life to catch up with every living swerve may be also way too simple-minded. A series of moderate changes in terms of the living habit, common values, destinations or even the ambitions, for adapting oneself to the practical, utilitarian society may sound acceptable, but a free border of making restless turns only brings calamities not contributions. Today the world is changing minutely following the pace of the digital improvement computed via the silicon bridge processors, with newly produced commodities dominating the market with a sound-speed. It is hardly far-fetched to imagine that frequent alternations to follow up the surroundings, the new livings or the values wandering alongside the social mainstream may immediately make one ambiguous about what he is pursuing, and what is truly worth doing. Besides, the continual variations may bring more expenditures, financially and physically, leading to strains on one’s welfare states, since one must purchase more commodities or living experience to learn about changes. 
In conclusion, the alternation of life is not the dreaded monster distracting one’s life from its stability, or the admirable monument erected for one to head as the destiny. Position should be rooted to face squarely the change of life in a rational way. 
Irrational  不合理的,不合逻辑的
Disparity  差距,不一致的
Absurdity  荒谬
Obstinate  顽固的、固执的
Immutable  不变的
Priority  优先事项
Fret  烦恼、品格
Preclude  妨碍、阻止、杜绝
Persistently  坚持不懈的
Myopic  近视、近视的
Swerve  突然转向、转弯
Utilitarian  功利的、实用主义
Calamity  灾难、灾祸
Far-fetched  牵强附会的
Wander  漫步、徘徊、闲逛
Ambiguous  模棱两可,含糊不清的