Ambition is being emphasized in today’s society. How important do you think it is for people who want to succeed in life? Is it a positive or negative characteristic?
这是一道报告+利弊的混合类大作文,聊得是雄心壮志对于成功的重要性以及利弊分析。报告类的文章结构比较简单,根据问什么答什么的原则,主体段一分析雄心壮志的中重要性,主体段二分析它的利弊。审题时候需要注意两点,一是利弊分析需要明确做出比较。二是需要必须要围绕着succeed进行讨论,为了便于讨论,“succeed in life”需要给出更明确的定义,比如事业成功等。下面就和大家来看下具体观点。

Ambitions seem to be the key to one's success,since ambitious people can find motivation to work hard and achieve their goals.I agree with this view,although they have to make some personal sacrifices on the road to success.
Ambitions can encourage people to work harder,which enables them to achieve their goals more easily.Success comes at a price,and people cannot attain their objectives unless they devote effort to reaching their targets.They tend to be self-disciplined and diligent as they are driven by their aspirations.They will continue to sharpen their skills,develop expertise and gain experience until they can reach the top in industry.Without ambitions,however,they could have given up if there were any challenges on the road to success.
Ambition is a valuable personality trait in the sense that it makes people optimistic and drives them to achieve success.Those with aspirations normally imagine the outcomes of being successful,so they would not feel frustrated or hurt in the face of adversity.This positive mental attitude can prompt them to achieve their potential and pursue targets which are otherwise unattainable to them.Their successes not only reward them well in financial terms but also contribute to social progress.
On the other hand,if people have high expectations of their achievement but fail to achieve their targets,they would feel disappointed and exhausted.They may have undue expectations over their accomplishments,but sometimes,it is not easy to implement their plans.Sometimes, ambitions may lead to wrong judgements,and push them to set unrealistic goals.Failing to meet targets may engender a sense of disappointment or self-doubt,and it can even evolve into mental disorders for people who have difficulty in managing stress.
self-disciplined 自律的
sharpen their skills 提高技能
develop expertise 提升专业知识
personality trait 人格特质
Aspirations 愿望
have undue expectations over 过高的期望
set unrealistic goals 设定不切实际的目标